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Setting Up YouTube OAuth App
Tristan avatar
Written by Tristan
Updated over 2 years ago

The Youtube Asset source integration allows the user to connect their personal and media Youtube accounts to the website. Only public/unlisted files are able to be synced, as private videos are unable to be properly downloaded and processed.


Oauth setup for Youtube

If you have already set up your Oauth for the Google Drive integration please follow the following Short Setup Guide for Youtube. Otherwise, if you have not setup the Google Drive Oauth settings, please go to the Full Oauth Setup Guide below.

Full Youtube Oauth Setup Guide

Step 1: Create a Project in the Google Developers Console

  1. Click on "Create Project" and provide a project name, and select an appropriate Organisation or leave blank.

  2. Click Create, and then after the project is created, click on it and select the "Dashboard" tab.

Step 2: Enable the Google Drive API

  1. Click on "ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES" at the top of the screen.

  2. Search for "Youtube Data API v3 and click on it under the 'Marketplace' tab.

  3. Click the "ENABLE" button.

Step 3: Configuring the Oauth consent screen

  1. On the left hand side, in the navigation bar under "APIs and services", click on "Credentials" in the sidebar menu. If you cannot see the navigation bar click on the button in the top left of the screen just to the left of the Google Cloud logo.

  2. Click on "Create credentials" at the top of the screen and choose "OAuth client ID."

  3. Click on "Configure Consent Screen". This is the screen that users will see when they are prompted to give access to their Google Sign In.

  4. If you are part of an organisation who want to only work for users with company emails, choose the Internal User Type and click Create. If not, choose the External User Type and click Create.

  5. Enter an App name, user support email, under 'App Domain' enter the application home page, your authorised domain, and developer contact information, before clicking save.

  6. Click on "Add Or Remove Scopes" and copy and paste the following scope in the "Manually Add Scopes" section at the bottom:

    Click on update

  7. Click add to table and then click on update, then on "Save and Continue".

  8. Add any test users using their email addresses, and then click on "Save and continue". On the "OAuth consent screen" overview page, confirm the information you entered is correct and then click on "Back To Dashboard" at the bottom of the page.

Step 4: Create OAuth 2.0 Client IDs

  1. Now, go back to the "APIs and services" section on the left hand side and click on "Credentials"

  2. At the top of the page click on "Create Credentials" and select "Oauth Client ID". On the next page select the application type as Web application.

  3. Provide the required information including an identifiable name and Authorised redirect URIs. This will consist of something like the following, where it will be your Medialake domain, followed by the subdirectory: https://'YOUR_DOMAIN'/youtube-redirect

  4. Click "Create" and note down the generated Client ID and Client Secret. You'll need these later to enter into our website. You will also need to know the project ID. To find this please click on the project name in the top left by the Google Cloud logo.

  5. Enter the Client ID and Client Secret into the settings page for the Youtube integration on the website.

Short Oauth setup for Youtube

Step 1: Enable the Google Drive API

  1. Click on "ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES" at the top of the screen.

  2. Search for "Youtube Data API v3" and click on it.

  3. Click the "ENABLE" button.

Step 2: Configuring the OAuth consent screen

  1. On the left hand side, in the navigation bar under "APIs and services", click on "Credentials" in the sidebar menu. If you cannot see the navigation bar click on the button in the top left of the screen just to the left of the Google Cloud logo.

  2. Click on "Create credentials" at the top of the screen and choose "OAuth client ID."

  3. Click on "Configure Consent Screen". This is the screen that users will see when they are prompted to give access to their Google Sign In.

  4. If you are part of an organisation who want to only work for users with company emails, choose the Internal User Type and click Create. If not, choose the External User Type and click Create.

  5. Enter an App name, user support email, under 'App Domain' enter the application home page, your authorised domain, and developer contact information, before clicking save.

  6. Click on "Add Or Remove Scopes" and copy and paste the following scope in the "Manually Add Scopes" section at the bottom:

    Click on update

  7. Click add to table and then click on update, then on "Save and Continue".

  8. Add any test users using their email addresses, and then click on "Save and continue". On the "OAuth consent screen" overview page, confirm the information you entered is correct and then click on "Back To Dashboard" at the bottom of the page.

Step 3: Create OAuth 2.0 Client IDs

  1. Now, go back to the "APIs and services" section on the left hand side and click on "Credentials"

  2. At the top of the page click on "Create Credentials" and select "Oauth Client ID". On the next page select the application type as Web application.

  3. Provide the required information including an identifiable name, such as "Youtube" and Authorised redirect URIs. This will consist of something like the following, where it will be your Medialake domain, followed by the subdirectory: https://'YOUR_DOMAIN'/youtube-redirect

  4. Click "Create" and note down the generated Client ID and Client Secret. You'll need these later to enter into our website. You will also need to know the project ID. To find this please click on the project name in the top left by the Google Cloud logo.

  5. Enter the Client ID and Client Secret into the settings page for the Youtube integration on the website.

Important Considerations

  • Make sure to follow security best practices, especially when handling client secrets.

  • The permissions and configuration might vary based on the specific service or API you're accessing.

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